NYSERDA Energy Programs

NYSERDA Energy Programs available

NYSERDA Energy Programs

Now through September, Financial support and technical assistance are available to help farms take stock of their energy use, implement energy-saving upgrades, and install clean energy technologies.

To go directly to NYSERDA’s webpage and learn more about these programs please visit:
NYSERDAs Agriculture Energy Assistance webpage.

  • Agriculture Energy Audit Program (AEAP): This program offers NY state farmers no-cost energy audits to help identify energy efficiency opportunities on their farm.
  • REAP Technical Assistance Program (RTAP): This program has been designed to assist farmers at no-cost to make applications to the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). If awarded, farmers can receive up to 50% of the total project cost.
    *Grant Cycles end June 30th 2024 and September 30th 2024
  • Energy Best Practices for Agriculture: The best practices have been developed to help educate producers about energy efficient technologies, how they function, the average cost, as well as an average payback in years.

Farmers are eligible to receive a no-cost energy audit every two years through the AEAP program. Through these programs farms can reduce energy costs and improve their bottom line through long-term energy savings. Priority is given to those located in disadvantaged or distressed communities as defined by the USDA Rural Development Innovation Center.


Jacob Maslyn
Ag Economic Development Educator
585-394-3977 x 402

Last updated June 9, 2024