Sarah Meyer has been beekeeping since 2014 and established her honey business, Workers Ransom LLC, in 2017. In this presentation, she will share her gardening practices for attracting pollinators to her apiaries as a Master Gardener volunteer. Attendees will learn about pollinators beyond the honeybee, their benefits, and what can be grown each season to support them. Sarah will inspire simple seasonal practices you can adopt to serve your small or large spaces, local honeybees, and other pollinators. This presentation will include a virtual garden tour of annuals, perennials, and trees and their contribution as pollinators. She will share what’s in bloom and what she practices on her small property to support her beehives.
To register email Nancy with your name, address, and phone number.
OR call 585-394-3977 x 427 with your name, address, phone number and email address.
Link will be sent on January 20, 2025 to all that have pre-registered.
No charge
Russell Welser
Senior Resource Educator
(585) 394-3977 x 436
This event is online
Last updated December 19, 2024