This event is free and open to residents of ONTARIO County only.
April 26, 2025
Casella Landfill, 3555 County Road 49, Stanley, NY 14561 This is between Canandaigua and Geneva on Route 5 & 20.
Contact 585-394-3977 x 427
If you called and don't get a person, please leave a message and your call will be returned.
• No business or farm waste will be accepted.
We are requesting you to have your name PRINTED and REGISTRATION TIME on a sheet of paper that we can read through the driver's side window.
Household hazardous waste is any discarded household material that can be classified as toxic, corrosive, flammable or reactive. For example: • ALL Paint • Alkaline Batteries • Cleaning Products • Thinners/Strippers • Acids/Bases • Automotive Products• Pesticides
Acids, Adhesives, Aerosols, Antifreeze, Boric Acid, Alkaline Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D), Brake Fluid, Cements, Charcoal Lighters, Chlorine, Cleaning Fluid, Degreasers, Disinfectants, Drain Cleaners, Dry Gas, Epoxies, Dyes, Fiberglass Resins, Flea Powders, Furniture Strippers, Hair Removers, Herbicides, Insect Repellents, Lacquers, Lubricants, Mothballs or Flakes, Motor Oil, Nail Polish Removers, Oven Cleaners, Paints, Paint Removers, Paint Thinners, Permanent Solutions, Pesticides, Photo chemicals, Rat Poisons, Rug & Upholstery Cleaners, Rust Solvents, Wood Preservatives, Spot Removers, Tub and Tile Cleaners, Turpentine, Varnish, Weed Killers, Wood Polishes & Stains.
Products containing mercury, and florescent light tubes will also be accepted. Vapes/E-cigs will also be accepted.
Materials NOT Accepted at the Event:
Household Electronics (TVS –flat screen and CRTs, computer monitors, cell phones, DVD players, VCRs, etc.) Automobile and truck tires, Compressed Gas Cylinders, Explosives or Shock-Sensitive Materials, Ammunition, Radioactive Wastes, Pathological Wastes, Infectious Waste, Medicines, PCB’s, Freon containing devices (i.e. Air conditioners, dehumidifiers).
**Casella reserves the right to reject any waste unidentified, deemed unacceptable by the disposal firm, or of excessive volume**
Pre-registration IS REQUIRED! When you arrive at the event you will need to bring with you a sheet of paper with YOUR NAME PRINTED and your REGISTRATION TIME. Thanks.
Call Cornell Cooperative Extension at 585-394-3977 x 427 to pre-register.
Registrations are in 15 minute time slots. The last time slot is 2:45 pm.
Registration will open on March 31 to April 24, 2025
FREE for pre-registered Ontario County residents ONLY!
Nancy Anderson
Operations Coordinator/Senior Administrative Assistant
(585) 394-3977 x 427
Casella Recycling Facility
3555 County Road 49
Stanley, NY 14561
Last updated March 28, 2025